Our EHP offers high quality care at the lowest cost.
Please submit all claims within 360 days of service
Otherwise claims will be denied for late filing and the Member cannot be balance billed.
Tier 1 Claim Processing
1. Submit claim to your clearing house or via paper.
For faster service, include with submission:
• Authorization (HCFA – Box 23, UB04 – Box 63)
• Contracted tax ID
Keenan EBTPA
P.O. Box 2744
Torrance, CA 90509
Office Ally
Payor ID KEE01
EDI Payor ID 95279
2. When received, the claim is processed within 60 working days (or per contract).
3. Payment issued to V-Pay unless LIVE check is requested.
Tier 2 Claim Processing
1. Submit claim to local BCBS with accurate place of service (HCFA Box-32, UB04-Box 1)
2. When received, the claim is processed within 60 working days (or per contract).
3. Processing progress may be monitored at the Keenan MESA portal
4. Payment issued to V-Pay unless a LIVE check is requested.
Tip: When checking the Keenan MESA portal, note that claims are posted as closed two weeks prior to completed processing.