Benefit Guide

Prime EHP: Three Medical Benefit Choices

Prime EPO

Most services are at little or no cost to you within the Prime Healthcare Network.

Preventive care costs and most inpatient and outpatient hospital based services are 100% covered.

Members don’t have to pay anything for care, besides usual premium and copays.

of Prime employees
choose Prime EPO


Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan

A great choice if your health benefits are covered through another employer health plan

If a family elects to receive medical benefits through another qualified employer-sponsored medical plan, all
their copays and deductibles are paid through MERP.

Value Plan

All the essential health benefits specified under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Prime Value Plan covers the ten categories of essential services outlined in the ACA.

Value Plan Members can also use Prime Healthcare facilities and Tier 1 Providers for services.

For the benefit guide and all other plan information